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Plants need help to digest and translocate nutrients. To that end, necessary beneficial soil microbes & fungi help break down nutrient sources and make them available to plant root structures for effective translocation. MHFP feeds these bacteria colonies, fungal substrates, enzymes and microbes; increasing their populations and increasingly the fertility of the soil & nutrient availability necessary for optimal plant health and vigor. In addition MHFP delivers a proprietary L-Amino 18 complex supplement helps prevent nutrient loss through its’ chelating effect, increases stress tolerance, provides important proteins for photosynthesis, and is an important precursor in the production of phytohormones which play a vital functional role in the metabolism of many available minerals and trace elements.


Beginning with premium organic compost and sustainably harvested Sphagnum peat moss, Soil Bomb is fortified with quick releasing, organic approved nutrients and minerals, to create an ideal rooting environment for vibrant growth, while having an abundance of potassium for optimal fruiting development Compost provides consistent slow releasing nutrients and sand and peat moss provide a balance of water retention drainage to promote healthy growth through harvest.


A custom blend of NATURAL ORGANIC sources of ALL ESSENTIAL major and secondary nutrients with multiple trace minerals PLUS the L-Amino 18 complex commercially packaged as a 100% soluble, homogenous, stable, odorless liquid concentrate. When compared to competitive non-organic chemical fertilizers, you can expect increased nutritional values with noticeable improvements in plant color, health, vigor forcing superior flower and bud structures . 100% Organic and Environmentally Friendly means it will NOT burn or damage vegetative plant tissue. GUARANTEED to give you SUPERIOR CANIBUS YIELD AND HARVEST RESULTS!


MH Grow Bomb 1-2-1 stimulates exactly what its name implies - MAXIMUM CANIBUS GROWTH. MHGB contains the best, high quality rich fish, seaweed and humate ingredients that supplies the added plant stimulation required to safely nudge comprehensive vegetative growth characteristics necessary to support high quality yield and harvest metrics in weeks to come. The introduction of beneficial Mycorrhiza soil & root inoculate, provides the evolving Canibus plant the added energy necessary to develop maximum precursor flower and bud fromations.


MHHB 7-0-7 starts in the second one-half of the 77 day High Intensity Integrated Grow Program. MHHB delivers exactly what its name implies - the energy for the plant to continue optimal flower, bud and vegetative developmental metrics. Included in the MH 7-0-7 are three critical minerals that play a vital role in healthy, vigorous cellular development that will prove necessary to achieve optimal bud structure development that will ensure the optimumal return on your growing investment. MHHB 7-0-7 will not disappoint...Bomb your next Canibus crop with MHHB 7-0-7.




MHCR is a powerful concentrated liquid bio-stimulant complex formulated from cold processed seaweed extract, humic extract, enzymes, and a “new generation” non-ionic wetting agent. When applied according to label directions as a foliar supplement to your core Canibus fertility program effectively reduces plant stress characteristics, increases fibrous root mass, increases both photosynthetic capacity and anti-oxidants, speeds plant plant development in every area of critical importance. MHCR can be utilized as a vital supplement that will keep your Canibus growth and development on tract to provide the maximum harvest value possible. Don’t let ‘dissapointment’ rain on your Canibus harvest any longer. Shower your valuable crop with MH Crystal Rain and we are sure YOU will notice a true and discernable difference in your next Canibus harvest.


(Rosemary & Peppermint Botanical Insecticide-Mitecide Concentrate) MH breaks the conventional scientific boundaries for an ALL NATURAL Broad Spectrum Insecticide and MiTECIDE! MHBX redefines the term “Safe & Effective”. To start with, MHBX is a 100% total Natural Organic Concentrate that requires a “0” re-entry delay, AND can be sprayed up to the last day of harvest if necessary.


With any high intensity grow protocols (that Canibus is included in) requires periodic root and soil cleansing. “NPK” builds up in the soils and root structures and very rapidly become a limiting factor as it relates to the optimal development of your Canibus crop. This limitation, in affect, starves the plant from needed NPK nutrient sources. Strategic application’s of MHRR throughout the 77 Day MH High Intensity Integrated Canibus Grow Program can easily and effictively “rinse” the majority of these contaminents out the bottom of the growing container or pot. Bathing Canibus roots and soils are a very important step in the optimum growing protocol that will predictibly result in a GREAT GROWING AND HARVEST RESULT...EACH AND EVERY CROP!

Bio Char
Soil Bomb
Soil Bomb Lite
Perfect Storm

NEW! Cutting Cards ARE HERE!!!

"Mad Hatter soils are formulated by McEnroe Organic Farm to provide the perfect soils for your crops. Healthy plants begin with healthy soil. McEnroe Organic Farm produces OMRI listed potting soils, premium compost and growing media."



MHML 12-4-6 delivers a “Mother Load” of safe, effective and digestible nutrients in a complex thst incorporates Hydrolized Fish, Urea, Cold Processed Seaweed and Humates. MHML 12-4-6 is safe and effective applied daily, every other day or other custom feeding protocols.


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Beginning with premium organic compost and sustainably harvested Sphagnum peat moss, Soil Bomb is fortified with quick releasing, organic approved nutrients and minerals, to create an ideal rooting environment for vibrant growth, while having an abundance of potassium for optimal fruiting development Compost provides consistent slow releasing nutrients and sand and peat moss provide a balance of water retention drainage to promote healthy growth through harvest.


Soil Bomb Light has the characteristics of conventional “soilless” mixes without the addition of chemical fertilizers or wetting agents. Approved for organic production, Soil Bomb Light provides quick releasing fertilizers of blood meal, soft and hard rock phosphate, gypsum and clay for strong germination and is ideal for seed starting and container gardening.


For optimum bloom and vegetative growth, transplant seedlings into the Perfect Storm.A compost based potting mix providing mass amounts of potassium for general plant health and strong bud development. Compost, peat moss and sand are fortified with fish emulsion, Jamaican and Mexican bat guano, soft and hard rock phosphate, gypsum and clay, Perfect Storm provides a punch of slow and quick release fertilizers for intense plant growth!

Mad Hatter, NEW “Integrated Plant Growth Nutrient Products” delivers the next generation of cutting edge perscription fertiliz-ers that maximizes VEGETATIVE, FLOWER & BUD FORMATION’S when utilized through their Integrated “M-H Growing Program”.


How so?  Let’s start with the basics. 

First, Mad Hatter fertilizer products employ only the highest quality and safest, time tested Primary and secondary nutrients forms of ingredients, whether derived from ‘natural organic’ or synthetic nutrient sources - Norwegial Cold Processed Kelp, derivedLeodarnite Humates, Mycorrhiza, BIO-Char, Aminos, Vitamins, Betains, Sugars, Micro’s and others. Next, and as importantly, from Urea, Soluble Fish Meal,Mad Hatter is the exclusive licensee of the BioPlex Organics “OPRA” Formulating Technology™. “OPRA” stands for Optimal Feathermeal, Seaweed Extract, Plant Response Analytics™. Molasses,Humic Substances


WHAT is “OPRA” formulation technology and WHY is it important to a grower?

BioPlex “OPRA” identifies (over the past 20 years) specific quantative ingredient relationships that when achieved throughout the manufacturing process SIGNIFICANTLY affects critical plant growth responses necessary for the OPTIMIZATION of plant growth characteristics embedded in the genetic code of each specific plant cultivar. In plain speak, Mad Hatter fertilizers, effectively maximizes specific, timely plant growth responses that lead to SUPERIOR plant growth HARVEST METRICS.  The adjective that best describes this unique and beneficial ingredient relationship is ‘synergistic’. Combinining the best, high quality nutrient ingredients in specific analytical, quantitive relationships within the context of the entire nutrient recipe for each M-H fertilizer, in turn when actually applied, MAXIMIZES the ultimate plant response for each identified plant growth phase - Seedling Establishment, Root Development Fibrosity, Veg-etative, Flower, Bud and or Fruit formations. Bottom-line for the grower...a SUPERIOR CROP that not only HARVESTS SUPERIOR PLANTS, BUT SUPERIOR PROFITS AS WELL!Mad Hatter endeavors to earn your business - one successful grower at a time. To that end, M-H has gone the ‘extra mile’ thru the acquisition of the BEST raw material ingredients from across the world and integrating them into BEST most advanced, cutting-edge BioPlex “Optimal Plant Response Analytics”™ manufacturing technology.


You can “Grow with Confidence’ and expect the BEST, most SUPERIOR crop production results the first time and every time you partner with the Mad Hatter!


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